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Support zoey by sending her food & drink

Of course only if you wish- no pressure at all, and thank you so much for your consideration into helping further improve my fatness even more.

You're much better off giving that money to a charity, or a cause you personally care for.

However, over recent months, and especially recently, my weight has reached a plateau, and increasingly funds to buy the amount of food I'd need to surpass it have been short.

If you truly cannot think of any other place that your money would be better spent, feel free to help.
If you'd like to buy me something specific, let me know- and I will add it to the list.

people kept asking, recently, so I decided to set up wishlist for if people would like to gift me food and/or drinks to help keep me getting fatter, of course, please only gift me these things if you have truly spare money, there are more important things to spend money on or donate money to than helping me get fatter, but if you're sure you want to, and you can truly afford it, that'd be very kind of you 💚

My birthday is on the 9th of May!

Thank you.

Send me food & drink: Amazon

  ( Amazon UK link. )  

Patreon (monthly donation)

  ( to buy food, i'm the gf. )  

Ko-Fi (tip/one-time-donation)

  ( to buy food, i'm the gf. )  

Liberapay (tip/one-time-donation)

  ( to buy food, i'm the gf. )